Below are several resources on DIY HRT that we've found helpful, and many of them are themselves aggregators of several different sites. If you know of a resource not listed here, let us know!
- Erin Reed's informed consent HRT map is what it sounds like - a map of informed consent clinics across the US. Remember that it is usually safer to get medication through official channels whenever possible.
- The DIY HRT Directory is a fantastic resource that covers many aspects of DIY transition and links out to dozens of informative resources
- has up-to-date information on several different DIY suppliers.
- HRT Cafe is a superb resource on everything from homebrew instructions, to lists of suppliers, to medical information, and much more.
- Trans Harm Reduction is an organization dedicated, among other things, to testing drugs from some of the most well-known homebrewers in the DIY space. Volunteers purchase medications from homebrewrs, order third-party tests on them, then submit the results for documentation.
- Transfem Science goes into extraordinary detail on the medical side of feminizing HRT. It has dozens of articles and links many hundreds of external sources, including a plethora of medical literature from the last few decades. It may well be one of the most comprehensive single sources for transfeminine medical information in the world.
- Hudson's FTM Resource Guide is a great collection of resources for transmasculine folks, including medical information as well as guides and information about social transition.